“What we do”

About 15 years ago, in a casual conversation, I asked Shelley what our plans might be for retirement. She said that we should do what we‘ve always done with our lives – make a difference for others, use our home as a retreat space and nurture creativity. “We could work together and hold creative workshops. All you have to do is build a studio,” she said. 
In 2005 we had a foundation poured and I began the process of building a 2 story addition to our home – a studio space above a garage/workshop. It took me 3 years to rough it in, roof it, build the windows, do the electrical, the plumbing, siding, floor, decks and trim. By 2008 it was a usable space and we began holding creative workshops to see just how it functioned.
It works great.


To nurture the creative spirit by exploring a “fresheye” studio experience with new and old friends.

“What we’ve accomplished”

Since 2008, we’ve held numerous creative workshops and gatherings of groups and individuals that include: an artist gallery exhibition, art process activities, a corporate association meeting, a team building retreat, various school visiting art classes, life coaching, reflective supervision events and others. 
We look forward to offering other interesting ways to use our space. 


(above "what we do" banner photo taken by Michael Regnier at www.regnierstudio.com.)